Parenting Powerhouse by Parenting Genie

Essential Nutrients & Safe Exercises: A Guide to Staying Energised During Pregnancy

Parenting Genie

Ever wonder how to maintain your energy and ensure your baby's healthy development during pregnancy? Tune in to this week's Parenting Genie podcast as we unlock the secrets of nutrition and wellness for expecting mothers. I, Barb, your host, will break down the essential nutrients every pregnant woman needs—like folic acid, iron, calcium, and DHA—and reveal the best foods to incorporate into your diet. From practical meal planning tips to healthy snack ideas, we cover it all to help you stay energized and reduce the risk of complications.

But that's not all! Staying active during pregnancy is just as crucial, and I guide you through safe exercises like walking, prenatal yoga, swimming, and pelvic floor activities to keep you fit and prepared for labor. Plus, I answer listener questions about easy snack preparations and safe workout routines during pregnancy. Whether you're an expecting parent or supporting someone who is, this episode is your roadmap to a healthy and happy pregnancy. Don't miss out - let Parenting Genie guide you through this incredible journey!

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Speaker 1:

Hello wonderful parents and parents-to-be. This is Barb, your host from Parenting Genie, and welcome to our Parenting Powerhouse podcast. We're excited to share that we'll be bringing you two episodes every week. Join us every Tuesday for insights, tips and expert advice on the incredible journey of pregnancy. Then, every Thursday, we'll dive into the world of parenting and postpartum challenges. So, whether you're expecting or navigating the adventures of parenthood, parenting Genie has got you covered. Let's jump into today's episode. Hello and welcome back to the Parenting Genie podcast. I'm your host, barb, and today we're focusing on nutrition and wellness during pregnancy. Eating well and staying active is crucial for a healthy pregnancy and we're here to provide you with practical tips and advice to make it easier. We'll also answer some of your questions at the end of the episode. Let's get started.

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Importance of Nutrition for Expected Mothers. Good nutrition is vital for the mother and the developing baby. Proper nutrition helps the baby's growth and development and ensures the mother has enough energy and nutrients to support the pregnancy. It also reduces the risk of complications such as gestational diabetes and preeclampsia. Key points Growth and development Proper nutrition supports the baby's physical and neurological development. Energy levels Adequate nutrients help maintain the mother's energy levels. Risk reduction Balanced nutrition reduces the risk of pregnancy complications.

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Essential nutrients and foods to include. Let's talk about some essential nutrients and the foods that provide them. 1. Folic Acid Important for preventing neural tube defects. You can find folic acid in leafy greens, beans and fortified cereals. Aim for at least 400 micrograms daily. 2. Iron Supports the baby's growth and helps prevent anemia. Iron Supports the baby's growth and helps prevent anemia. Good sources include red meat, poultry, fish, lentils and spinach. Pregnant women need about 27 mg of iron per day. 3. Calcium Needed for the baby's bone development. Dairy products, fortified plant milks and leafy greens are great sources. Aim for about 1,000 milligrams of calcium daily. 4. Dha An omega-3 fatty acid crucial for brain development. It is found in fatty fish like salmon, and DHA supplements. Aim for at least 200 to 300 milligrams of DHA daily.

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Meal planning tips here are some tips for meal planning during pregnancy. Plan balance to meals Ensure each meal includes a mix of protein, healthy fats and complex carbohydrates. This balance will help maintain steady energy levels throughout the day. Healthy snacks Keep healthy snacks like nuts, fruits and yogurt handy to curb hunger between meals. Examples include apple slices with peanut butter or a handful of mixed nuts. Stay hydrated. Drink plenty of water throughout the day. Aim for at least eight to ten glasses. Other options include mint water, herbal teas and coconut water to keep hydration.

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Interesting. Staying active Safe exercises during pregnancy. Safe exercises during pregnancy Staying active is just as important as eating well. Here are some safe exercises to consider during pregnancy Walking, a simple and effective way to stay active without straining your body.

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It helps maintain cardiovascular health and can be done anywhere. Prenatal yoga Helps with flexibility, strength and relaxation. It also prepares the body for labor and alleviates pregnancy-related discomfort. Swimming provides a full-body workout and takes the pressure off your joints. The buoyancy of water supports the weight of your growing belly. Pelvic floor exercises Strengthen the muscles that support your bladder, bowel and uterus. These exercises can help prevent urinary incontinence during and after pregnancy.

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Question and answerswers. Listener Questions on Nutrition and Wellness. Now let's move on to some questions from our listeners about nutrition and wellness. Question 1. What are some easy snacks to prepare during pregnancy? Answer Try Greek yogurt with berries, whole grain crackers with cheese or a handful of almonds. These snacks provide a good mix of protein, healthy fats and fiber. Question two Can I continue my usual workout routine? Answer it's best to consult with your healthcare provider, but generally low-impact exercises are recommended. Avoid high-risk activities like contact sports and anything that could lead to falls or abdominal trauma. Conclusion that's all for today's episode on nutrition and wellness during pregnancy.

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We hope you found these tips helpful. Caring for your body during pregnancy is crucial for you and your baby. Please get in touch with us with more questions or topics you'd like us to cover. Don't forget to subscribe to our podcast for more parenting tips and advice. Until next time, stay healthy and happy. Thank you for joining us today on Parenting Genie. We hope you found valuable insights that will support you on your journey through pregnancy or parenting. If you enjoyed today's episode, don't forget to hit that subscribe button so you never miss out on our upcoming content. We'd love to hear from you, so leave your thoughts, questions or topic suggestions in the comments below. Suggestions in the comments below. Remember we're here with you every Tuesday for all things pregnancy and every Thursday for parenting and postpartum tips. For additional resources, visit our website at parentinggeniecomau. Connect with us on social media and let's build this supportive community together. Until next time, happy parenting.